Outside is where you find your inside That inside that holds your inner child Your true being, Untainted, Unscathed, True beauty,...
Date Smoothie
Ingredients Made this recipe with a Nutribullet (Large Cup) 10 Medjool Dates (remove pits) 1 dash of cinnamon Fill cup to the max line...
5 Questions #1
1.) Are we free? I think they’d like us to believe we are. 2.) Are you a slave? If you’re waking up every morning miserable at the...
The World as My Heart Sees it
I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic as of late. At daytime I look up to see a bright blue sky, at night a sky full of endless stars I...
What is a Vegan Movement
What is a vegan movement to you? Is it picketing in front of the White house with signs of animal cruelty, environmental degradation,...
My Journey to Veganism
If I could go back to 12 years ago to when I first heard the word “VEGAN” and look at myself now; the woman I’ve become, I would’ve never...
My Experience with Meditation
In this crazy world we live in, it’s almost impossible to find peace or time to quiet the mind. Our brains are constantly being...